Paul specializes in procurement and state aid law. He is also a specialist in the field of scarce rights, such as land sales by the government (Didam judgment). He obtained his doctorate on that topic from Utrecht University in 2013.
Paul joined Straatman Koster advocaten in January 2018, having previously worked for more than ten years for Houthoff in Rotterdam and Brussels. Paul has advised and litigated on behalf of private individuals and public entities since 2007. He has extensive litigation experience, in preliminary relief proceedings as well as in proceedings on the merits and arbitration proceedings.
In addition to his work in practice, Paul is editor of the Tijdschrift Aanbestedingsrecht en Staatssteun, editor of Tekst & Commentaar Aanbestedingsrecht and country correspondent for the European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review. He also publishes regularly on scarce rights, procurement law and state aid law. Among others, he is author of the annual chronicles on EU infringement proceedings Procurement (TA), European and national case law State aid (TA) and the opinions of the Committee of Procurement Experts (TBR). Annotations by him appear regularly in Jurisprudentie Aanbestedingsrecht (JAAN). Paul has also been a speaker at various (international) conferences and workshops and is a lecturer at the Grotius specialization course and at the specialization course Procurement & Scarce Rights of the PAO Leiden University.